Scientific papers

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Title Authors Date Link Tags
Semi-Riemannian geometry with applications to relativity Barrett O'neill 1983-01-01 physics , mathematics , general-relativity , differential-geometry , topology
Non-metrisable manifolds David Gauld 2014-01-01 mathematics , topology , differential-geometry
Topics in the General Topology of Non-metric Manifolds Afshin Mardani 2014-01-01 mathematics , topology , differential-geometry
Notes on Differential Geometry Noel Hicks 1965-01-01 mathematics , topology , differential-geometry
Variétés (non séparées) à une dimension et structures feuilletées du plan André Haefliger , Georges Reeb 1957-01-01 mathematics , topology , differential-geometry
Introduction to smooth manifolds John Lee 2003-01-01 mathematics , topology , differential-geometry , manifolds
Introduction to topological manifolds John Lee 2000-01-01 mathematics , topology , manifolds
Field Theory Handbook Including Coordinate Systems Differential Equations and their Solutions Parry Moon , D. E. Spencer 1971-01-01 mathematics , differential-equations
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I Lars Hörmander 2003-00-00 mathematics , analysis , partial-differential-equations